Certified Crop Advisors
For optimal yield, it's crucial to establish a planting plan each Fall. Our two Certified Crop Advisors, Dave Elliott & Jennifer Cameron, are here to help you! They can help you build a plan based on all agronomic considerations so you make the best decisions for your crops year after year. To request a free consult, simply submit your information at the bottom of the page and we will be in touch soon!

Corn Silage Testing
Harvesting forage crops outside optimal dry matter (DM) ranges can set the stage for many challenges. That's why testing for DM content prior to harvest and ensiling is critical. We can help you ensure you harvest at the optimal time! Every year at harvest, we offer free corn silage testing days. Dates vary depending on the year so check back for our dates and locations each Fall. No registration is required, just bring your sample to the event and enjoy a treat while you wait for the results. If you prefer on-site testing, contact us here.
Upcoming Corn Silage Day TBD
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